Product info

Why use CANNA Classic?

CANNA Classic is the best nutrition for growing on inert substrates such as rock wool. It is used especially on ‘run-to-waste’ systems; these are systems where the drain water is drained off or so called open-hydroponics systems.

  • With CANNA Classic you can grow with precision
  • There are no damaging ballast substances in Classic nutrition

Product line FAQ

I'm using a re-circulating system. Should I use CANNA Classic or CANNA AQUA?

CANNA specially developed CANNA AQUA for recirculating systems. It contains all the nutrients the plants require in an available form. Remember to check EC and pH of the nutrient solution regularly.

CANNA Classic is designed for use in substrates such as rockwool and should be in a run-to-waste system. It also contains all the nutrients the plants require in an available form.

Soak rock wool before use

Never use raw rockwool! The pH is too high. Always soak rockwool before using it for the 1st time. Soak with water or a nutrient mixture with the pH adjusted to 5 and an EC of about 1.3. As well as correcting pH & EC, a pre-soak also ensures an even distribution of the nutrient solution throughout the slab.

Keep your nutrients dark

Light breaks down iron chelates! Because of this, it is very important to ensure that no Ultra Violet light falls on the nutrient solution. Light also causes algae to grow in the nutrient solution, which can lead to blockages. Furthermore, algae can take up nutrient elements and cause nutrient deficiencies to occur.

Keep slabs horizontal

Make sure the rockwool slabs are horizontal. If they are not truly horizontal the moisture will run to one end of the slab. This could mean that some plants become too dry and others too wet.

Amounts of nutrients

Keep note of the amounts of nutrients and additives you add to each tank of nutrients you mix. You then have a good starting point for the next time!

Measuring EC

Don’t just measure the EC of the feed water and the drainage water regularly, remember to measure the EC of the substrate too.

CANNA Classic A and B

You can easily distinguish between CANNA Classic A and B products because the A bottle contents is coloured and the B bottle contents is colourless.

Nutrient tank

Take your time diluting and adjusting your nutrient tank! This is essential for the growth, flowering and development of the plants and will yield the best results.


If you are using CANNA RHIZOTONIC always add this to the feed water, test the pH and adjust pH as necessary.

Adding acid to water

When you dilute an acidic product, always add the acid to the water, never add water to the acid, if it splashes it will cause burns on your skin or in your eyes!

CANNAZYM and Clay Pebbles

CANNAZYM extends the life-span of Clay Pebbles and other growing mediums because it breaks down dead roots.

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